
Xenophobia Ryona Game
Xenophobia Ryona Game

Xenophobia Ryona Game

This leads to them doing some rather despicable things as a means of enjoyment.

  • On the darker side of this trope, you have the immortal Fermet and Huey who only see other people as human components For Science!.
  • Then you get Omnicidal Maniac Ladd who literally dances in blood and considers "I'm gonna kill you last" as an endearing term to use with his girlfriend.

    #Xenophobia Ryona Game series#

    The series has a lot of characters who are involved in Dirty Business and are willing to play jump rope with the Moral Event Horizon.

    Xenophobia Ryona Game

    She's so friendly toward Pokémon that she'll help them with whatever their problems are, no matter what said Pokémon look like, even to the point of facilitating an Interspecies Romance between a Wigglytuff and an Arbok, which is entirely possible in-game.

  • Magical Pokémon Journey's Hazel likes cute Pokémon, but her definition of "cute" extends to species that aren't generally considered such, including Gengar and Tangela.
  • In addition to his enthusiasm toward Falin and Izutsumi's conditions, he notes that he used to believe a monster was best composed of as many creatures as possible before coming to appreciate how just two creatures in one heighten each other's charms.
  • Among monsters, chimera are commonly seen as fascinating by him.
  • Also cheerfully admits to an attraction to orc women. Still, he fully understands how dangerous they can be, and his repertoire of monster facts has helped the party out more than once.
  • Laios of Delicious in Dungeon is absolutely fascinated by monsters, and had been deeply curious about what they taste like for quite a while before the events of the series finally gave him a chance to try.
  • Of course, this tends to creep the living hell out of poor Sakura.
  • Cardcaptor Sakura had the Meganekko Naoko Yanagisawa who, during a conversation about a haunted house, mentioned that she "like that sort of thing." The manga included visual aid of "that sort of thing" (UFOs, ghosts, monsters, unusual temples, and shrines).
  • A later less-sadistic, but still quite disturbing, example would be Sonia, a little girl and member of Griffith's new Band of the Hawk who is, unlike the rest of the world's populace, unafraid of the Eldritch Abominations known as Apostles.
  • As if her creepy lack-of-outfit wasn't clue enough, during the Eclipse when Casca is being raped by Griffith Slan watches on and cries tears of joy.
  • Slan, an Apostle, and one of the members of the God Hand.
  • During the trip she goes on with Kuroe and Rairi to Kaiju Island, she's also rather cheery when reporting that local legends say the Kaiju that supposedly lived there ate all the islanders.
  • Kaiju Girl Caramelise: Manatsu Tomosato has a crush on the Kaiju Harugon, praising the monster's frightening appearance and expressing a desire to be stomped flat by it and/or incinerated by its Breath Weapon.

  • Xenophobia Ryona Game